Training for Work Scheme

Job Seekers

All Skills for Industry Training for Work programmes have a maximum duration of 13 weeks.

Generally most programmes are full-time and 20 hours or more per week (including study time).

To qualify for employment and work readiness assistance a client:

  • must be a young person or of working-age
  • must meet the residence requirements
  • must not have received the maximum amount payable for any particular kind of employment and work readiness assistance, unless, for that assistance (where applicable), exceptional circumstances exist
  • and be a client receiving a main benefit or their partner
  • or have applied for and been assessed as eligible for a main benefit
  • or have been receiving a main benefit that has been cancelled because they have moved into employment
  • or have applied for a main benefit but need to complete pre-benefit activities or

Clients may also need to meet other eligibility criteria